Category: locations

  • Happy Hour is Starting Early Today

    Twas many a moon ago when a certain English gentleman, Marty I believe his name was, was here from the Great Isle visiting a friend of a friend.  I don’t think I had known him for more than (5) minutes before, naturally, I felt it my solemn duty to pester him until he told me…

  • Criminally Good

    Our friends at Criminal Records in the UK are making headlines again with a couple of very intriguing artist announcements.  First and foremost, The Kut has sold out their “Love Hate Vampire Shotgun System Circus” Tour AND is about to commence recording their debut album AND they have a new video AND…well that’s it but,…

  • Damn Skippy

    artist: Damn Vandals | genre: alt-rock | label: unsigned New music is already on the way in 2012 from our favourite/rehabilitated juvenile delinquents from Great Britain.  We are pleased as punch that Damn Vandals have a new EP that is expected to drop at the end of February.  We can’t wait to hear it. Previous…

  • Christmas with Summer Fiction

    Is it the Christmas season already?? I know the holiday decorations now go up the day after Halloween; but, I personally refuse to acknowledge them until after the fourth Thursday of November. Well now that date has passed and Christmas actually is just a month away, so even though I’m a bit of a Grinch,…

  • Flashback: Descendents

    [itunes link=”″ title=”Descendents on iTunes”] Ever wonder where the emo-punk got it’s start?  Contrary to what Billy Joe may think, it wasn’t Green Day.  Sorry to disappoint but, while they were prolific early adopters of the genre, it was actually a band nearly (400) miles to the south in Hermosa Beach, CA that many point…

  • Oh Mercy…it's the Wiggles?

    Australian indie rockers doing covers…of the Wiggles!?!?  Yup.  Rewiggled (ABC Music) is a compilation project that showcases (20) indie artists from Down Under remaking their favourite Wiggles tunes.  The video above features Oh Mercy‘s rendition of ‘Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car’…and I swear I’m not making that up.  Say what you want about the…

  • Eureka Stockade :: All Alone

    artist: Eureka Stockade | genre: alt-rock, alt-country | label: Cracking Tunes [itunes link=”″ title=”Eureka Stockade – All Alone”] This just in… Eureka Stockade, my favorite alt-country band from the other side of the pond have just released their latest single “All Alone”. As with their previous tracks we’ve shared here, the sound feels much more…

  • Flashback :: NYC's Urban Blight

    It was a Saturday, many moons ago.  I remember sitting at home and, after counting all of the ceiling tiles in the family room, quickly determined that I was bored out of my skull.  It got the point where even hard labour was starting to sound appealing. Was anyone going to call?  Finally, there it…

  • Screaming and Halloweening with the Brains

    [itunes link=”″ title=”Get it on iTunes…”] It’s Halloween, my pretties, so it seems rather fitting that we pimp a little pychobilly from The Brains.  The uncensored video for “Screaming” (above) is from their just released Drunk Not Dead album so if you digz it click the iTunes link above and get you some. Stay safe…

  • autoKratz :: Becoming the Wraith

    I feel like we’ve been on a bit of a New Order theme here in the last few months. Back in June we had a Joy Division flashback. Then two Friday’s ago we featured New Order’s “Blue Monday” for our Friday flashback. And then just last week we mentioned Andy Hawk’s cover of “Temptation” making…