Month: August 2009
Concert Pricing with a Twist
The band Lotus uses an innovative way to price concert tickets, called the “Pay What You Want Tour”.
Video: Sharif on Raw Session
In this video Sharif performs an acoustic version of “Dark Side of the Dawn” from his Kisses and Lies CD.
Lunatics and Freaks
The whacked-out rollercoaster ride that is CrimsonFaced rumbles its way into the broadcast with tracks from Captain Freak and Lunatic Binge.
West Coast and the Hawk
The groovy sounds of California’s The Autonomous Region and Virginia’s Andy Hawk and the Train Wreck Endings make their debut on Froglix Radio.
Everyone Likes a Party!
Big Party 2, last year’s compilation disc from Longbeach Records is packed full of excellent Ska, Ska-core, Punk and Reggae. Froglix is digging our newest additions to the broadcast…Leek & Bouncing Uptones, Souldier of Fortune and 3rd Alley.
New Release from the UK's Ring of Truth
The new and the old collide beautifully in Everything’s the same but in a different place from Britain’s Ring of Truth.